*oldBookMsg1: This help book may be outdated, or it may have been removed.\nIt (%s) cannot be read with this version of the Help viewer.
*initMsg: Problem initializing.\nPossible problem with ~/.sgihelprc.\nError Number = %d.\n
*noShelfsErr: No bookshelf(s) could be found.\n\nCheck the 'BOOK_DBASE' variable in your .insightrc file, or\nthat you specified a valid path to your command line (-b) option.\nCannot find any books to read! Exiting...
*authMsg: You are not currently authorized to read the book: %s.
*initErr: Initialization failed - Possible problem with ~/.sgihelprc
*serverBusyMsg: Starting SGI Help...
*serverInitMsg: Initializing...
*libErr: Initialization failed - Specified (or default) library (-l) does not exist\nor is not accessible.
*allTag: All Items,
*okLabel: Ok
*killLabel: Close and Remove Message
*narrowErr: Your window is too narrow for this view.\nPlease resize the width of the viewing area.
*fontErr: The Insight viewer cannot load a specified font:\n%s\n\nA default has
been used
*indexMsg: Error reading the index for book - %s.
*openMsg: Error opening book - %s.
*helpIndexTitle: Contents/Search - %s
*goBackErr: Cannot Go Back to previous entries
*linkMsg: Cannot follow this hyperlink.\nThis book (%s) may need to be installed.
*launchMsg: Cannot launch - %s
*scriptErr: Error - Cannot Add %s script.
*historyErr: Cannot access History List (used for Go Back).
*srchNoTermsMsg: No valid search terms specified in the keyword field.\nPlease enter text in that area.
*srchNoHitsMsg: No Items Found using the specified search.
*noBookStyleErr: Error - Could not create view.\nCheck for existence of stylesheet - fulltext.hlp
*noBookViewErr: Error - Cannot create view for %s.
*noOpenViewErr: Error - Cannot open view.
*activeViewErr: Error - Cannot set active view for %s.
*mapErr: Error - Cannot map view for %s.
*printMsg: Printing...
*printFileErr: Error Printing - Could not remove temporary file: %s.
*printFileCreateErr: Error Printing - Could not create temporary file: %s.
*printOkMsg: \ \ Printing Complete.
*printErr: Error Printing - Check printer and file: %s.
*printStyleErr: Error Printing - Could not find stylesheet fulltext.pv
*printNoPipeErr: Error Printing - No Command specified for Pipe.
*printPipeMsg: Printing To Specified Pipe Command Complete.
*printCmdErr: Error Printing - Could not Open Pipe Command.
*printGrfxErr: Error Printing - Could not set/print graphics.
*objOpenErr: Cannot open file.\nFilename - %s.
*objFnameErr: Cannot open file for this object. Filename does not exist.
*objTypeErr: Unknown object type to be rendered.\nFilename - %s.
*objDispErr: Cannot open or display/play object - %s.
*objNoRGBErr: This machine cannot display this graphic format (SGI RGB).
*objUnsupportedErr: Unsupported hardware for media type: %s
*objUnsupMediaErr: Unsupported media object
*hotspotMsg: You have cycled through all available graphic hyperlinks.\nResetting back to the first available hyperlink.\nThis message will only appear once per graphic.
*helpNotAvail:Information on the requested help topic is not currently available.\nYou need to install certain IRIS InSight books.\n\nFor the product you are requesting help on, you need to install\nthe book(s) in these subsystem(s):\n\n
*helpNotAvailList:Information on the requested help topic was not found.\nChoose an alternate topic from the available list.\n\nPerhaps the content (book) you are accessing is out-of-date.
*srchStoplistErr: Error searching the book - %s.\n\nInvalid word(s) used in search.\nTry searching without using common words such as \"the, for, on, about\".
*srchGeneralMsg: Search specified is too general.\n\nTry searching without using words such as \"a*\" or \"*a\",\nwhere \"a\" is any single character (or blank).
*srchInvalidMsg: Invalid word(s) used in search.\n\nTry searching without using
common words such as \"the, for, on, about\".\nSee information on searching in the Help menu.\n
*srchNoTermsMsg: No search terms specified in the Search field.\nPlease enter text in that area.
*srchNoHitsMsg: No Items Found using the specified search.
*srchUpdateErr: Cannot Update Query Information for %s.
*srchMsg: Error searching book - %s.
*appDefault:desktop_eoe.books.*\n\ndesktop_tools.books.*\n\n*.books.help\n\n<Refer to your product's release notes for further information>
!! instant Help msgs
*indexBH: Show/hide the Contents/Search area.
*stopBH: Stop the transfer of a web-based Help Document.
*reloadBH: Reload the contents for a web-based Help Document.